Our Experts Deliver Superior Service

The biggest difference between MacFarlane Energy and our competitors is the outstanding performance of our service department. It is easy to take heating and cooling technicians for granted, but there are differences from company to company that affect your bottom line.

MacfarlaneVan1.pngFor example, new heating and cooling equipment must be installed with precision to deliver maximum comfort and perform at peak efficiency. In fact, the U.S. ENERGY STAR® program reports that an imperfect installation can diminish equipment efficiency by 30 percent.

Technicians are the only line of defense between you and an equipment breakdown. MacFarlane Energy technicians are well prepared and committed to serving you. They inspect components carefully, make proactive repairs and adjustments, and report any significant findings to you.

MacFarlane Energy technicians deliver superior performance every day, because they are fully prepared. We maintain a training facility at our Dedham headquarters where technicians receive regular training from our managers and manufacturers' representatives. Our technicians carry advanced diagnostic equipment, and their service vans are well stocked with replacement parts. Perhaps most importantly, MacFarlane Energy employs more technicians per customer than most companies, so our technicians are dispatched promptly and provide your service call or installation the time it truly deserves.

This ensures prompt service by our technicians to your service call or installation. MacFarlane strives to maintain a good staff-to-customer ratio.